Black Turmeric Farming

If you want to do well in agriculture, then today we are giving you information about one such product for agriculture. Which will open the doors of your destiny.

Black Turmeric Farming : If you want to do well in farming, then today we are giving you information about one such agricultural product. Which will open the doors of your destiny. This is such a farming in which you will become rich in a very short time. We are talking about the cultivation of ‘Black Turmeric’. Which is the commodity that is distributed at the highest cost? The main reason for this is that many medicinal properties are found in it.

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating black turmeric. There is a black colored stem in the middle of its legs. Also, the tuber is black or brinjal colored from inside. Let’s know how to do farming and how much is the profit.

When and how to do farming- This farming is started from the month of June. Fine loamy soil is more beneficial for its cultivation. Keep in mind that rain water should not fill the field. About 2 quintals of seed can be planted in one hectare of land. In this farming neither much irrigation will be needed nor pesticides will be needed. This is because these plants are not affected by any kind of insects. Applying adequate amount of manure to the soil before sowing can give a good crop.

Increase in demand after Kovid- Usually yellow turmeric is sold at 60 to 100 rupees per kg. While black turmeric is being sold from 500 to 4000 or more per kg. Nowadays black turmeric is not easily available. But after Kovid its demand has increased. Because it is used as an immunity booster. Black turmeric is famous for its medicinal properties and is used as medicine in Ayurveda, Homeopathy and others.

Benefits- From the cultivation of black turmeric in one acre, 12-15 quintals of dry turmeric can be obtained from 50-60 quintals of raw turmeric. The production is low but the market price is high. Whose estimated price is 500 to 4000 rupees per kg. Its price is 5000/kg on some online websites. Even if you distribute 15 quintals at the price of 500, there will be a profit of 7.5 lakhs and if you distribute it at the price of 4000, then you will become rich in the house.

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