Kiwi Farming

Cultivate this fruit and get production up to 70 lakhs, know complete information (fruit and its production and seed details)

Dear readers, you have read correctly that by cultivating this fruit, you can get a huge production of up to 70 lakhs. You may not believe this but we are telling all the farmer friends that by cultivating this fruit you can earn up to 70 lakhs annually.

You don’t need to have much land to grow this fruit, just three bighas or even one acre is enough. In which you can get the product up to 70 lakh rupees by coming to us. Most of the farmers are earning very little by growing different crops but today we are going to give you all the information about this fruit in today’s article.

Cultivate this fruit and get production up to 70 lakhs, know complete information

Name of the scheme Cultivate this fruit and get a production of up to 70 lakhs
assistance 70-80 lakh crop production
State Gujarat
objective Farmers can take more production in agricultural crops
Beneficiary Every farmer
Type of application —–
contact District Agricultural Resource Center

70 lakh rupees earning fruit

Dear farmer friends, you must be thinking that there is such a fruit which can be grown and earn as much as 70 lakh rupees. So let us tell you that the name of this fruit is “Kiwi“. However, you may have heard the name of this flower and you may even get to see the fruit in the fruit market where you live. But you will know that by planting this fruit you can get huge production and earn 70 to 80 lakh rupees.

Because this fruit is very beneficial for the body. Brightens the eyes. Protects blood circulation. Controls blood pressure. And so to speak, among all the fruits we are considered to be the most powerful fruit. So it is natural that the prices of these will also be high in the market. That’s why if this fruit is planted, you can earn a lot of money.

What should be the environment of kiwi fruit?

Farmer friends, in order to harvest this crop, first of all you need to know the climate in which this fruit grows. And what kind of soil it grows on. So we tell that the soil which has a PH level between 5:00 to 6:00 is necessary for this fruit in the soil. And when the temperature of the atmosphere is around 15 to 17 degrees, the cuttings of this fruit are planted.

So according to the information given above, if you have the environment and pH level in your wadi or farm, you can easily cultivate this fruit.

How is Kiwi fruit cultivated?

Dear farmer friends, you have learned about the environment in which this fruit is cultivated. Now let us tell you how this fruit is cultivated. So you can bring the necessary equipment before cultivating this fruit.

How small fruit plants come. In which you have to make 1 line in your wadi or field, another line at a distance of 4 meters next to it and a 3rd line at a distance of 4 meters next to it. One plant should be planted after another plant at a distance of 5 meters, that is, plants should be planted at a distance of 5-5 meters. At the time of planting you have to plant 1 male plant and 5 female plants.

Now to plant this plant, first you have to order kiwi fruit plant from the market or nursery. It takes 3 to 4 years for kiwi fruit to come after planting this plant. That is, if you bring kiwi fruit plants from the nursery, then in a very short time, these plants will grow big and produce kiwi fruits. And for 10 to 12 years continuously, this tree will continue to give kiwi fruits.

When is kiwi fruit planted?

Farmer friends you can plant this fruit in any form in your garden or field but as mentioned above the environment and pH level are necessary.

Cost of Kiwi Fruit Cultivation
You must be thinking that how much does it cost us to farm? So friends, let us tell you that 400 plants can be planted in 3 Bigha or one acre of land to cultivate this fruit. The market price of the plant is ₹ 110-120. That means it costs about 40 thousand to buy the plant.

That is, if we look at it like this, in the first year you will spend about 1.50 lakhs in the cost of cultivation of fruits and in the 2nd year it will cost you 20 thousand rupees and in the 3rd year it will also cost you 20 thousand rupees. It costs about 2 lakh rupees in total. And after the third year you will start getting fruits from this tree.

How to grow kiwi fruit on any soil in Gujarat

Dear farmer friends, you can grow this fruit in any land or wadi or field in Gujarat. To get complete information on how to grow us, how to groom and how to grow on any soil, you have to go to the nearest agricultural research center and get all the details.

Profit in Kiwi Fruit Cultivation

Now the most important thing is how much profit is made from the cultivation of this fruit. If we talk about it, when the fruit starts coming after cultivation, it gives 80-90 kg production from 1 tree. That means, from a total tree of 400 kiwi, 32 thousand to 36 thousand kg production can be obtained. That is, Kiwi fruit in the market. 1kg costs around 250. That is, you have calculated how much income can be earned by cultivating this fruit.

In addition, if you need more information about agriculture, you can visit our district agricultural research center to get complete information.

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How much production can be obtained in the cultivation of this fruit?

Production of up to 70 lakhs can be obtained in the cultivation of this fruit.

What kind of environment is necessary in the cultivation of kiwi fruit?

For Kiwi fruit cultivation, soil pH level between 5:00 to 6:00 is required for this fruit in the soil. And the cuttings of this fruit are planted when the ambient temperature is around 15 to 17 degrees.

How many kilos of kiwi fruit comes in one plant in the cultivation of kiwi fruit?

In the cultivation of kiwi fruit, 80-90 kg of fruit comes from one plant.

How much does it cost to grow kiwi fruit?

Kiwi fruit cultivation costs about 2 lakh rupees.

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