LIC Aadharshila Plan: Women can make a fund of 4 lakhs by saving Rs 29 daily, learn here about this special scheme of LIC…

LIC Aadharshila Plan is a plan specially designed for female life which provides the combined benefit of insurance protection and savings. This scheme provides financial security to the family in any situation and helps in accumulating wealth over a long period of time.

LIC Aadharshila Plan – Overview

LIC Aadharshila Plan is an endowment plan that offers the twin benefits of savings and life protection. This plan provides financial coverage to the family if the policyholder dies during the policy term. In addition to this, the plan also offers maturity benefit if the policyholder survives till the end of the policy term. Apart from this, it also takes care of the liquidity needs through the option of auto cover and loan facility.

LIC Aadharshila Plan Eligibility Criteria

Following are the eligibility criteria of the policy.


the minimum


entry age

8 years

55 years

policy term

10 years

20 years

maturity age


70 years

premium paying term

same as policy term

sum assured

Rs 75,000

Rs 3,00,000


Benefits offered by LIC Aadharshila Plan

Following are the major benefits of LIC Aadharshila Plan scheme by Life Insurance Corporation of India :

1.maturity benefit

If the life assured survives the entire policy term, then after the completion of the policy term, the maturity benefit is offered as Basic Sum Assured plus Loyalty Additions, if any. The maximum term of the policy is 20 years, and on maturity, the policyholder can reinvest the lump sum amount in a new policy.

 2.death benefit

In case of unfortunate death of the life assured, the death benefit is payable to the nominee of the policy. If the life assured dies during the first five policy years, the Sum Assured on Death is payable to the nominee of the policy.

If the Life Assured dies after completion of 5 policy years but before the maturity date, the Sum Assured and Loyalty Additions, if any, are paid to the beneficiary of the policy.

The Death Benefit payable is defined as:

    • 7 times the annualized premium
    • 110% of Basic Sum Assured.

3. loyalty addition

The corporation tracks the first five years of premium payments and entitles the policyholder to loyalty additions. It is also offered to policyholders who are old or loyal customers of LIC of India.

4. Dedication benefits

The policyholder can surrender the policy after completion of two consecutive policy years. On surrender of the policy, the Guaranteed Surrender Value payable during the policy term shall be equal to the total premiums paid (excluding taxes, extra premium and rider premium, if any) minus the Guaranteed Surrender Value applicable to the total premiums paid multiplied by the factor. Plan.

5. policy loan

Loan benefit is available after the surrender value of the policy is received, and the loan amount that can be availed is up to a maximum of 90% of the surrender value in in force policies and 80% of the surrender value in paid up policies.

6. tax benefits

Benefits received under this policy are subject to income tax exemption as per prevailing laws.

*Tax benefit is subject to change in tax laws

7. payment of premium

The premium payment term is equal to the policy term in LIC Aadharshila Plan . It can be paid in yearly, monthly, quarterly or half-yearly mode.

8. discount apply

The plan offers several discounts such as:

mode relaxation
Quarterly, Monthly (NACH) and Salary Deductions Zero
half yearly method 1% of tabulated premium
annual mode 2% of tabular premium
High Sum Assured Rebate
Basic Sum Assured (BSA) Discount (Rs.)
Rupee. 75,0000-1,90,000 Zero
Rupee. 2,00,000-2,90,000 1.50% BSA
Rupee. 3,00,000 2.00% BSA


Additional Benefits under LIC Aadharshila Plan

LIC Aadharshila Plan offers several optional benefits through which the policyholder can enhance his coverage by paying additional premium.

  1. optional riders
    LIC Accident Benefit Rider is available to the policyholder and can be added to the base policy after completion of first five years. The rider once chosen will be applicable in case the policyholder meets with an unfortunate accident or dies due to an accident. The death benefit payable will then be backed by the rider benefits.
  2. Maturity Benefit in installments
    Under the policy, a policyholder can choose to receive the maturity benefit in installments over 5/10/15 years. The installments available under different modes of installment payment are:

    Installment payment method minimum installment amount
    Monthly Rupee. 5,000/-
    quarterly Rupee. 15,000/-
    half yearly Rupee. 25,000/-
    annual Rupee. 50,000/-
  3. death benefit in installments

    Under the policy, one has the option of receiving the death benefit in installments over 5 years, 10 years or 15 years. The installments available under different modes of installment payment are:

    Installment payment method minimum installment amount
    Monthly Rupee. 5,000/-
    quarterly Rupee. 15,000/-
    half yearly Rupee. 25,000/-
    annual Rupee. 50,000/-

Documents required to buy LIC Aadharshila Plan

To buy LIC Aadharshila Plan policy , the individual needs to provide:

  • Identity Proof – Aadhaar Card, Voter Card and Passport
  • Address Proof – Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Electricity Bill, Ration Card, Voter Card, and/or Passport.
  • Income proof – like income tax return or salary slip.
  • Health record of the insured.

LIC Aadharshila Plan Exclusions

Under this policy, the suicide clause is an exclusion wherein the beneficiary receives 80% of the premiums paid if the suicide occurs within the first 12 months from the inception of the policy risk, or the surrender value, whichever is earlier.


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